
As a private GP what can I treat?

In theory, private GPs can treat everything that they would within an NHS context. The remit of a private GP can also be larger in a private context opposed to the NHS as they are able to offer services not covered by the NHS primary care contract such as cosmetic minor surgery.

Private services

As a private GP, there may be some other private services you want to consider offering to your patients. The same guidance for life threatening or emergency health conditions apply as they would as an NHS GP.

Can see patients for

All general health concerns

Mental health concerns

Muscle and joint injuries


Blood tests

Annual medicals

Travel medicals

Can't see patients for

Life threatening illnesses

Dental problems

Very severe burns or broken bones

Heavy bleeding


As a private GP, you may choose to be a general practitioner, limit your focus to one specific area of interest such as the menopause, or build an interdisciplinary team to limit some areas of work you need to get involved with.

This may include working alongside a nurse who undertakes phlebotomy or cervical screening or a physiotherapist who can see patients with MSK injuries.  

What's it like

“I love the variation of the work I can do when practicing as a private GP. No day is the same and I enjoy managing an array of health conditions. Longer appointment times in private practice allows me to fully understand the patient and their medical history and lifestyle factors to treat them to the best of by ability.”

Private GP

Additional services

There are also some services you can offer as a private GP which aren’t covered within NHS contracts. These include cosmetic minor surgery, advanced dermatology procedures and some treatments such as osteopathy.  

It is also worth being aware that any clinical service you deliver needs to be covered by CQC registration and a clinician’s indemnity.

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